Covid-19: Raja Saudi gesa negara G20 segera koordinasi bantuan ke seluruh dunia

LONDON: Raja Arab Saudi, King Salman menggesa para pemimpin negara G20 pada hari Khamis untuk mengambil langkah yang tegas dan tindakan "berkesan dan terkoordinasi" bagi memerangi pandemik koronavirus yang sedang berlaku.
Arab Saudi, yang memegang jawatan Presiden G20 tahun ini, menggesa mengadakan mesyuarat luar biasa untuk membincangkan usaha global untuk menangani krisis koronavirus, yang telah menjangkiti hampir 500,000 orang dan mengorbankan lebih daripada 22,000 nyawa.
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Teleconference antara semua pemimpin negara G20 yang dipengerusikan King Salman semalam |
Di dalam mesyuarat melalui video conference yang dipengerusinya semalam, King Salman berkata negara-negara yang berada di blok G20 itu juga perlu membantu negara-negara membangun dan membiayai penyelidikan untuk mencari vaksin terhadap virus itu.
"Adalah menjadi tanggungjawab kami untuk memanjangkan bantuan kepada negara-negara membangun dan negara-negara kurang maju untuk membolehkan mereka membina kapasiti mereka dan memperbaiki infrastruktur mereka untuk mengatasi krisis ini dan akibatnya," kata baginda.
"Krisis ini memerlukan respon global, dan dunia mengharapkan kami untuk bekerjasama dan bekerjasama untuk menghadapinya.
"Kita juga mesti mengukuhkan kesediaan global untuk mengatasi penyakit berjangkit yang boleh merebak di masa depan."ujar baginda lagi.
G20 terdiri daripada 19 negara dan Kesatuan Eropah dimana 19 negara adalah Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Kanada, China, Jerman, Perancis, India, Indonesia, Itali, Jepun, Mexico, Persekutuan Rusia, Arab Saudi, Afrika Selatan, Korea Selatan, Turki, UK dan Amerika Syarikat.
BACA: Jumlah terkini COvid-19 seluruh dunia
Berikut adalah kenyataan penuh King Salman:
Your Majesties, Your Excellencies, Your Highnesses,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
In the beginning I’d like to welcome all of you to this extraordinary summit, thanking you all for your participation.
We are holding this meeting to carry out our responsibilities as the leaders of the world’s largest economies, in order to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, which requires that we take firm measures on various fronts. This pandemic has greatly taken toll on human lives and caused tremendous suffering to many people around the world. And here, I would like to extend our deepest condolences to all countries around the world and to their respective citizens over the lives lost to this pandemic, wishing speedy recovery for all those who are infected.
The impact of this pandemic has spread to reach the global economy, financial markets, trade, and global supply chains, hampering growth and development and reversing the gains accomplished in the previous years.
This human crisis requires a global response. The world counts on us to come together and cooperate in order to face this challenge.
On the health front, the Saudi G20 Presidency took the lead and worked with partners and relevant organizations to take all necessary actions in order to contain the spread of COVID-19 and safeguard people’s health. And, here, we value the effective measures adopted by different countries in this regard. We reaffirm our full support for the World Health Organization in coordinating the efforts to counter this pandemic. To complement these efforts, the G20 must assume the responsibility of reinforcing cooperation in financing research and development for therapeutics and a vaccine for COVID-19 and ensure the availability of the vital medical supplies and equipment. We must also strengthen the global preparedness to counter infectious diseases that may spread in the future.
On the economic front, amid the slowdown in global growth and the turmoil in financial markets, the G20 has a pivotal role in countering the economic and social impact of this pandemic. Therefore, we must have an effective and coordinated response to this pandemic and restore confidence in the global economy. The Presidency welcomes the policies and measures taken by countries to revive their respective economies, including stimulus packages, precautionary measures, sector targeted policies, and job protection measures. But despite the importance of any country’s individual responses, it is our duty to strengthen cooperation and coordination in all aspects of the adopted economic policies.
On the trade front, the G20 must send a strong signal to restore confidence in the global economy by resuming, as soon as possible, the normal flow of goods and services, especially vital medical supplies.
In addition, it is our responsibility to extend a helping hand to developing countries and least developed countries to enable them to build their capacities and improve their infrastructure to overcome this crisis and its repercussions.
The G20 has previously proven its effectiveness in mitigating the severity of the global financial crisis and its ability to overcome it. Today, through our cooperation, we are confident that we, together, will overcome this crisis, and move forward towards a future where all people thrive, prosper and are healthy.
Thank you very much.
May peace, mercy, and blessings of god be upon you.
Sumber: Arab News